Emerging Trends in Proteomics

Proteomics is a branch of molecular biology that is concerned with the systematic, high-throughput approach to protein expression investigation of an organism or a cell. It is a large-scale comprehensive study of a specific proteome, including information on protein affluence, their variations and alterations, along with their interacting partners and networks, in order to discern cellular processes. Proteomics enables the understanding the structure, function and interactions of the entire protein content in a specific organism. Bioinformatics for proteomics has grown significantly in the recent years. The ability to process a high amount of data together with high specificity and precision of the new algorithm in the protein description, characterization and quantization makes it possible to obtain a high amount of elaborated data. Bioinformatics tools for proteomics have diverse applications ranging from simple tools to compare protein amino acid compositions to refined software for massive protein structure determination.

  • Clinical proteomics
  • Proteome informatics
  • Proteogenomics
  • Protein chip analysis

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